Thursday, July 19, 2007

fork right

After a long hiatus from the web, Steve and Dave return to the Internet with this brief report of the recent ascent to Mallory Cave - or perhaps we should call it Mallory Caveat: the cave is off-limits to all creatures great and small, except bats and raptors. We are neither, so we stopped at the barrier and announced the descent of the DOW following its recent meteoric, humpday-esque rise. Thus enumerated and drenched in sweat, the twain plummeted back toward NCAR, whereupon they encountered a laughing woman under a tree who declared amiably that it was our intrepid explorers' "lucky day." Another woman, not laughing, held a towel over her chest, while a guy snapped a couple of photographs.

Undeterred, Dave and Steve continued to the car, and onwards to Tandoori Grill for saag, korma, and naan.


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